Hi! I’m Sarah Beth

Welcome to my blog, a long-overdue file cabinet to share and store oh so many things that I love, from thoughtful reflections to vacation itineraries to the most darling dresses. I believe in leaving people better than you found them, and I genuinely hope and pray that this is how you come to know this space, as a place that lifts you up and feels like the warmest hug. I hope you leave this blog feeling better than how you felt when you stumbled upon here.

I was born and raised in Nashville and have just recently returned back after spending the past 5 years in High Point, North Carolina, where I went to college and recently graduated with my Master’s in Communication and Business Leadership. While Nashville is home to me, this city sure has changed, and in many ways, this move back “home” has felt like moving to a new place entirely. In this space, I hope to share the ways I work to cultivate community and combat the deep loneliness of your early twenties in a “new” place while no longer in school and beginning a new chapter entirely.

I love clothes, and my style is very classic and feminine. I love sharing my finds, and nothing boosts my morale like a perfectly paired outfit or a shopping spree, so I will never gatekeep the precious finds and am never stingy sharing sources with anyone who asks. In fact, I feel like I’ve been a blogger long before this space as I’m always personal shopping for friends who need the perfect dress for an event or sharing just the shoes to create a flattering leg line. However, my vision for this space is to help you outfit your spirit in radiant joy more so than with the most darling ensemble. But… we might as well be well-dressed while infecting the world with our loving, joy-filled spirits.

I also am just captivated by the world and have the most chronic case of the travel bug you’ve ever seen. I’m always daydreaming up trips to take from short weekends away to epic overseas adventures. I am very passionate about traveling and expanding my worldview and have been so blessed with opportunities to travel with friends and family in my life. I love sharing all about trips and where you must stay and what you must see and do in different cities. However, there is no place like home, and trips are that much sweeter when you get to return home to your bed at the end. I just moved back home with my parents (fully embracing the “stay-at-home daughter” lifestyle – ha!), and while controversial in society’s view, I feel blessed with the best family and am grateful for this unique, precious season of our family life. I also have an older brother, but not that much older, we’re Irish twins so for 21 days of the year, we’re the same age (my only fun fact – ha!).

I love words and have a bit of an addiction to both puns and books, specifically personal development books. I believe in the power of words to change the world and find writing to be the most cathartic way to organize my cluttered mind and make sense of all my feelings. I dream of someday writing a book and having my name adorn your bookshelf on a book that touches your heart and your life.

My faith is a defining aspect of my life and to be known and loved by God is the greatest blessing of my life. I was raised Catholic in the heart of the Bible belt, which gives me a really unique lens on what it truly means to be a Christian. I think there is so much to learn from all Christian churches, and always love talking to anyone who can inspire me in my walk with the Lord and share how the Lord has shown up for them in their trials and triumphs. In life’s hardest and loneliest moments, I find great peace and deep gratitude for God’s abundant love. I don’t have anywhere near all the answers, but I’ve found the advice to “love God and love others” to meet me where I’m at and move mountains in my life and the lives of others. I’m always working on releasing doubt and trusting God more, though, so if I ever figure it all out (spoiler: I won’t), I will undoubtedly share it all with you.

I’m in an in-between season of life. I’m no longer a child or student but not yet a career woman or a wife or a mother. It is an uncomfortable season that no one really prepares you for. While yearning for my dream of motherhood and darling children in smocked matching outfits, God has me in this season now, so I’m determined to absorb all the lessons and blessings that lie in this “in-between.” I hope this space inspires you with ways to cultivate community, live with deep intention, and infect people with contagious joy wherever you go.

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~ Justin Busa

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut a dui eros. Suspendisse iaculis, dui in luctus luctus, turpis ipsum blandit est, sed fermentum arcu sem quis purus.

~ Billy Young

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut a dui eros. Suspendisse iaculis, dui in luctus luctus, turpis ipsum blandit est, sed fermentum arcu sem quis purus.

~ Robby McCullough