Last First Day Of Classes

This week I started my senior year of college. It’s honestly a little crazy and surreal that I’m on the homestretch. It’s been a journey – that’s for sure. And while the days have been oh so long during rough seasons, these years have FLOWN by. I’m determined to document this year to fully savor the time I have left in this phase between childhood and adulthood.

It’s going to be a peculiar semester with all of these post-Covid regulations. Here’s a photo from the first day in required mask… this will be fun to look back on someday and show my kids – ha!

Also, I’m obsessed with this dress… it is the most “me” thing I own, and I’ve never felt more myself… and it’s on super sale now!

After such a long time away, it’s so nice to be around people my own age once again and back on this beautiful campus.

While this semester is going to be drastically different than the previous ones and morale overall seems relatively low, I’m still determined to make this last year of college the very best yet. Instead of dwelling on what lacks and what has gone awry, I’m choosing to find the goodness in what is.

The past 5 months, my life has greatly lacked routine, so I am excited to start crafting one once again. This time has made me realize the importance of purpose and finally being able to put tasks in my planner once again is helping to give me motivation to actually get up in the morning – ha! Getting back into routine has already been a challenge, but it is so fun to be back with friends and feeling productive.

Are you back to school? How is it going?


Sarah Beth

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