Sarah Logo and Type


Welcome to my blog, a long-overdue file cabinet to share and store oh so many things that I love, from thoughtful reflections to vacation itineraries to the most darling dresses. I believe in leaving people better than you found them, and I genuinely hope and pray that this is how you come to know this space, as a place that lifts you up and feels like the warmest hug. I hope you leave this blog feeling better than how you felt when you stumbled upon here.

I was born and raised in Nashville, and have just recently returned back after spending the past 5 years in High Point, North Carolina, where I went to college and recently graduated with my Master’s in Communication and Business Leadership. While Nashville is home to me, this city sure has changed, and in many ways, this move back “home” has felt like moving to a new place entirely. In this space, I hope to share the ways I work to cultivate community and combat the deep loneliness of your early twenties in a “new” place while no longer in school and beginning a new chapter entirely.


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Last First Day of Class

This week I started my senior year of college. It’s honestly a little crazy and surreal that I’m on the homestretch. It’s been a journey...

Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland Trip

I kicked off summer with a 10-day trip to Europe with three of my college friends. It was the perfect...








Check Out My Vlog

Just a girl with a camera documenting her adventure

Life Lately